Growing out Legs to Equal Lengths

As I was preparing for our church’s Healing Rooms Board Meeting for 2018, I was musing with God about how we all want to see cancer totally healed. In fact, we want to see everything healed. God then asked me what He was bringing before us. What was in our hand? God is calling us to be faithful in what He is bringing before us. Are we seeing 100% healing in the conditions and diseases God gives us? For a certain few conditions, Stairway Healing Rooms has about 80-90% healing rate. This is what we currently, as Stairway Healing Rooms, have authority over. When we realise this, it increases our faith, and the person’s faith, as well.

One of those conditions is lower back pain. Let me say here, that not all lower back pain will disappear and be healed this easily but we have found a high degree of success when God grows out people’s legs to be equal length, the lower back pain seems to greatly decrease.

I’m going to briefly outline the steps we take when someone comes to us with lower back pain. Please also realise that there is no ‘formula’ with healing. God is free to work however He likes and will do so. Below is a general guideline we follow.

1. The 1st 3 questions we ask a client when they tell you they have back pain are:

  • Where’s the pain?
  • Rate the current pain out of 10 (this is so that you can determine later if the pain has decreased. 10 is the highest amount of pain, 0 is painfree)
  • Did anything cause/bring the pain on?

2. If anything brought on / caused the pain to begin with, deal with that first.

  • Remember to pray off shock and trauma

3. Most lower back pain can be dealt with by growing out the legs so that they are the same length.

  • Share very short testimony of seeing leg’s grown out and how that helps take away the back pain. Sharing a testimony raises people’s faith level.
  • Get them to sit on a hard chair with their bottom right up against the back.
  • Ask them to put their legs out in front of them. You will need to support their legs – your wrists or hands gently under their ankles supporting underneath or else grab an ankle in each hand around their ankle bone.
  • Look at the length.
    • Look at their ankle bones – are they the same length?
    • Look at the bottom of their heels – are they at the same length? (Don’t look at their pointed toes to see if they are the same length as people usually have one foot longer than the other.)
  • Ask Holy Spirit to come and command the shorter leg to grow out.
  • Sometimes you may find the shorter leg shoots out and grows so that it is now longer than the other leg. Command one leg to be the same size as the other. Feel free to ask the person to choose which length.

4. When the legs are equal length, ask the person to stand and reassess the pain.

  • Ask them to rate the pain out of 10 and see if there is a reduction. If it has reduced – praise God. If it is the same, continue praying for the pain to go. Command the pain to Go in Jesus’ name.
  • Deal with any residual pain by praying/declaring over that.
  • Bless their back.
  • At the end of praying for their back, pray a physical and spiritual alignment over them.

Prophetic Activations / Exercises to incorporate into your week:

The purpose of these exercises is to help us hear God’s voice in a clearer manner. They sharpen our senses to hear and recognise God’s voice and His way of communicating with us. This enables us to grow in our relationship with God and also to impart to others what God tells us for them. Feel free to use as many of these activations each week as you can. The more you practice, the sharper you become at hearing God’s voice. Enjoy! Remember that whenever you give another person a prophetic word or picture etc, please make sure that it is encouraging, edifying (strengthening) and comforting (1 Corinthians 14:3) and that it comes from a place of love.

1. Children / Families Activation: As a family, check each other’s leg lengths to see if they are equal lengths. Practice ‘growing out’ each other’s legs. As each family member sits in the chair to have their leg length checked, everyone else asks God to show or tell them how God sees that person in the chair and everyone then shares it with the person in the chair.

2. Group Activation: As a group, ask if anyone in the group has lower back pain. Ask them to come to the front of the room. Before you pray over the person for healing, ask everyone to ask God how He sees that person dressed (ie how that person is seen from a heavenly perspective and what clothes they would thus be wearing). Then ask a few people to share it with that person. Follow that up with praying for the person’s healing.

3. Beginner Activation: Ask God to show you someone who needs encouragement about their height and ask God how He would like you to encourage them and prophecy into their situation.

4. Intermediate Activation: The news that Billy Graham died has been broadcast today. Thus, spend some time asking God to show you how to pray and prophecy over the Graham family in their mourning/celebration. Then spend some time declaring that out aloud.

5. Advanced Activation: The news that Billy Graham died has been broadcast today. He has had a huge impact on many people throughout the world. Spend some time with God asking Him to show you someone who will have a huge future in impacting the world for Jesus. Ask God to ‘flesh this out’ and how God wants you to communicate it to this person and encourage them.

What is in your hand?

Last Saturday morning I was sitting at the table eating my breakfast and writing a list of everything I could be doing in the 4 hours each week I am up the bush whilst my children learn to sail and take people with disabilities out sailing with an organisation called ‘Sailability’. In my other blog, I have blogged about my sudden decision to allow my children to do this activity but how it is a huge ‘inconvenience’ for me. Thus, I was sitting compiling a list of activities each week that I could do whilst waiting there so that I wasn’t wasting time.

Suddenly I sensed God say to me ‘What’s in your hand?’ I stopped and just waited. Immediately a picture from the previous Friday came to me. I had sat at the only picnic table there and when the three mini bus loads of people with disabilities came, they piled out and came to sit around the table to eat their lunch. For two hours, these people with disabilities had tried to communicate with me. Their carers had also shared some pretty deep stuff with me as I had sat there and listened.

As I sat at my breakfast table writing this list of activities so as not to waste my time the following Friday, I was overwhelmed with the goodness of God and what was in my hand – that of an amazing opportunity to be Jesus to these folk. I had an incredible opportunity to listen to these folk, form relationships with them, encourage and bless them, prophecy over them and pray for them. I could silently change the atmosphere and create a peaceful atmosphere amongst the chaos. This suddenly shifted my whole focus. God had a reason for me to be there.

What is in your hand? What is right in front of you that you have never noticed or considered before? What is God trying to capture your attention with and for? What is happening around you that God is doing? I encourage you to spend a few moments just asking God to reveal what is in your hand, right in front of you that God would love you to partner with him for.

Prophetic Activations / Exercises to incorporate into your week:

The purpose of these exercises is to help us hear God’s voice in a clearer manner. They sharpen our senses to hear and recognise God’s voice and His way of communicating with us. This enables us to grow in our relationship with God and also to impart to others what God tells us for them. Feel free to use as many of these activations each week as you can. The more you practice, the sharper you become at hearing God’s voice. Enjoy! Remember that whenever you give another person a prophetic word or picture etc, please make sure that it is encouraging, edifying (strengthening) and comforting (1 Corinthians 14:3) and that it comes from a place of love.

1. Children / Families Activation: Ask your children to pray with you to sense which group they are involved with in an activity (eg swimming, playgroup, football etc) that God wants to highlight. Now ask God to show and tell you all something to encourage the leader of this group with. Translate that on to paper by drawing, writing etc. At the next activity session for that group, pass the paper on to the leader to encourage them.

2. Group Activation: As a group, ask God to reveal to you all someone who is not in your group but who helps your group. Decide on one person. Then as a group, compile a written prophecy for this person. Work together to see what carries the most ‘weight’ ie that which most people find accurate and true and feels deep and there is a lot of agreement on. Include the ‘weighty’ words in the prophecy. Write it down and then pass on to the person.

3. Beginner Activation: Spend time with God asking Him to show you someone in your life who always seem to be there for you but whom you may overlook or may not often express your appreciation to. Spend time with God asking Him to show or tell you something encouraging and comforting for that person. Communicate that to the person either by telling them or through a letter or email.

4. Intermediate Activation: Ask God to highlight a person in your life whom you have never really noticed or spent much time with before. Ask God to show or tell you something about that person. Then ask God to show you a gift you could buy for them that demonstrates and communicates what He has shown or told you. Give that gift to the person.

5. Advanced Activation: Ask God to highlight a leader in your church who is not upfront and often not seen. Spend time hearing & seeing from God what His heart is for this person. Write it down or paint/draw it and give it to them.