Life after COVID-19: A Guide to Transitioning Well

Life after COVID-19: A Guide to Transitioning Well was written for individuals and families to work through to help adjust to the changing lifestyle required by COVID-19, and for the desired future.

Just as it was a massive challenge for most people adapting to the isolation restrictions, it can be a considerable challenge navigating entering back into the hectic lifestyle we once had.

Life after COVID-19: A Guide to Transitioning Well attempts to address these challenges from a Christian viewpoint.

This 70-page book is packed full of worksheets to assist you in exploring the decisions you need to make.


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2020 for me has been entirely different from what I envisaged as I set goals for the year on New Year’s Day. Within a few months, COVID-19 changed the world as we knew it.

Life after COVID-19: A Guide to Transitioning Well was written for individuals and families to work through to help adjust to the changing lifestyle required by COVID-19, and for the desired future.

It is crucial in our moving forward that we identify and deal with any losses we have experienced from the sudden changes forced upon us. We are then in a healthy place as we look to the future.

As some restrictions start to be lifted, I am conscious that we could easily fall back into the same routine we had before. Even though we say we want to change various aspects of family life, unless we make a concerted effort, we can slip back into our old routines.

Just as it was a massive challenge for most people adapting to the isolation restrictions, it can be a considerable challenge navigating entering back into the hectic lifestyle we once had.

Life after COVID-19: A Guide to Transitioning Well attempts to address these challenges from a Christian viewpoint.

This 70-page book is packed full of worksheets to assist you in exploring the decisions you need to make.

Topics addressed include:

  • Your lifestyle – rhythm and routines (pre, during and desired future)
  • Your values
  • Where is God in all this and how to sustain a focus on God
  • Your feelings
  • Losses and gains
  • How to lessen the adverse effects of change
  • What you can and can’t control
  • Your spiritual needs
  • Your support network
  • Character qualities displayed during this time
  • Celebrating the wins
  • Change and transition
  • Dreaming of your ideal future
  • Decisions needing to be made
  • Making a difference
  • Crafted prayer


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