Our Beliefs about Healing

Several years ago during our Healing Rooms Board Meeting, our Director was sharing about a team member needing heart surgery. She went on to explain the condition. I was a Coronary Care specialist nurse for over 25 years so I knew what she was talking about. I just automatically went to the position that the operation would be the best outcome for that type of condition. As we prayed, I said, “Father God, if it is your will to heal this person without surgery…”. The Director stopped me right there and said, “Jane, we don’t pray that way.”. I was rightly reprimanded as that is not exercising my faith and authority as a daughter of the Healing God that we love and serve. God wants to heal everyone. Fair enough, some people’s healing does come through having surgery, but we do not pray, “if it is your will to heal”.

When we have a faulty belief system, it is definitely highlighted in our identity and intimacy with Father God. Out of our identity and our intimacy with Father God comes our authority. How we view and believe what God can and will do, certainly impacts the authority we operate in. When we believe that God is always good and wants to heal and can heal anything, it changes the way we pray for people and what we pray.


My personal beliefs around healing:

  • God is a good God no matter what. We don’t have all the answers, but God remains good. Learning to live with the mystery is part of the journey.
  • God desires that we are all healed – Psalm 103:2-3
  • There is no formula to healing.
  • We don’t have to wait for our healing before we pray for someone else’s healing.
  • You do not have to be a Christian to be supernaturally healed.
  • Don’t blame God for your sickness. God is not the author of your sickness.
  • Sickness does not come from heaven. Sickness is not a blessing.
  • Sickness and pain are not your identity. Your identity is in Christ and you are His Royal son/daughter.
  • God uses medicine to heal people as well as using supernatural miracles.
  • Forgiveness can help aid the process of healing but it is not 100% dependent on it.
  • Our words have the power to create – Isaiah 55:11
  • We are partnering with God to bring Heaven to Earth. What is in Heaven, we bring to earth – Matthew 6:10
  • Believe you are healed.
  • God is always ready to have an encounter with you now and heal you.
  • If someone gets healed, get them to pray for the next person. The healing testimony is powerful. It raises our faith level. Also, if you have been healed of a condition, you carry an authority over that condition and when you pray for others with that condition, you see healing.

Throughout the last ten years, our family has experienced miraculous healings for ourselves and prayed for people for healing. We have seen people healed of cancer, blind eyes see, numerous broken bones healed, numerous teeth / dental miracles, anaphylaxis healed etc.

I encourage you to read through the list above of beliefs about healing. Do any not sit quite right with you? I encourage you to go on a journey with God and ask Him about that belief. Is it incorrect or is it an area in your own life that you need to grow in? Study the verses about that belief in the Bible. Do the hard yards and see what resonates and work out what you believe and what the Bible portrays about healing.

For me to pray for people for healing and see those healings, I have had to intentionally grow my faith so that it is bold and so that I operate from a belief system that God can do anything, that the impossible can become possible with God. Next week I will be sharing some ways that you can grow your faith and your view of the greatness of God.


Prophetic Activations / Exercises to incorporate into your week:

Every week I list 5 prophetic activations/exercises under children/family, group, beginner, intermediate and advanced. The purpose of these exercises is to practice to help us hear God’s voice in a clearer manner. They sharpen our senses to hear and see and sense God and His way of communicating with us. This enables us to grow in our relationship with God and also to impart to others what God tells us for them. Feel free to use as many of these activations each week as you can. The more you practice, the sharper you become at hearing God’s voice. Enjoy! Remember that whenever you give another person a prophetic word or picture etc, please make sure that it is encouraging, edifying (strengthening) and comforting (1 Corinthians 14:3) and that it comes from a place of love.

1. Children / Families Activation: Gather a heap of dress up clothes and identity symbols eg ring, crown, dressing gown, shoes, sword etc. Have fun taking turns dressing each other up in these items and prophesying over them their identity as a child of God.

2. Group Activation: Pass around a slip of paper, pen, a piece of string and a balloon to all participants. Ask people to ask God for a one word prophecy for an anonymous group member. Have everyone write that word on the slip of paper, then fold their slip of paper and insert into the balloon. Blow the balloons up and tie a string around them. Ask people to tie their balloon to their ankle. Then ask everyone to stand and move around the room, asking God whose balloon they should jump on and burst. The balloon the person bursts will contain a slip of paper with the word for them. Allow a few moments to ask God to show people how that word relates to them. Have a few people share the application to their life.

3. Beginner Activation: Spend a few moments with God basking in His presence. Ask Him to show or tell you a type of drink. Ask God what that drink is composed of and how and why it relates to you.

4. Intermediate Activation: Ask God to show you someone looking to buy or rent a house or wanting to change their housing situation. Ask God for His wisdom and any keys He would love to download to you for them. Write or share a prophetic word with this person about their housing situation. Share appropriately.

5. Advanced Activation: Spend time with God seeking His heart on trafficked humans. Ask Him to show you an area/city/country specifically that He would like you to intercede for. Ask Him to show you what He would have you do, say, decree, pray, prophesy etc about this issue.

Our Authority in Healing

AuthorityImagine your dad owned a huge company that employed many people. Over many years, your dad has been trying to implement a new method of operating. He has completed just about all the background work and it is nearly ready for the big day when it is going to be officially implemented.

You have spent a lot of your time just hanging around your dad whilst he had been working on it.

You weren’t an employee, you were the boss’s kid and so you had free reign where you went and what you did.

You loved the smell of your dad’s office and being with Him whilst He worked. He often talked aloud of what He was doing and you were passionate about what He was doing since you just loved being with Him. Your dad included you in the brainstorming of the solutions to problems. Your dad often allowed you to implement the changes.

The big day arrives and unexpectedly your dad can’t make the official opening. He asks you instead, as His representative, to be there as His delegated authority.

You know the workings of it nearly as much as He does because of all the time you have spent with Him and the intimacy of the working conditions.

Your dad has complete faith and trust in you. He knows that you understand what is required to be done and how to solve many of the issues. Thus, he delegates his authority to you.


Now take a moment to imagine this is God and He is asking you to heal the sick,

cast out demons, raise the dead, change nature. What is your response?


Knowing our authority and the manner in which we walk in it can change our life. It impacts the way we pray, how we pray, what we say, our actions, our lifestyle. In fact, it can completely change how we live our life.


Authority is delegated power.


Jesus has complete authority and He gave us authority to do whatever He did plus more. (John 14:12)

From the Bible, we see that:

  1. Man’s original commission – Genesis 1:28. God commanded Adam & Eve to be fruitful and multiply and subdue the earth. It was a command, not optional. God gave them dominion over the earth. God’s Kingdom on earth was an extension of God’s Kingdom in Heaven. God’s Kingdom went wherever Adam & Eve went.
  1. Satan rebelled. Satan & fallen angels were cast out of heaven and they took authority over the earth by deceiving Adam & Eve. God could have destroyed them but He had already given Adam & Eve dominion over the earth.
  1. Jesus came in the form of a man & retrieved what had been given away. He defeated Satan by rising from the dead – victory over sin and death.
  1. When we accept Jesus’ grace & forgiveness, we become an heir of God, a brother / sister to Jesus, a child of God. We share Jesus victory over Satan and have total access to Jesus’ delegated authority which Jesus took back from Satan when Jesus rose from the dead.
  1. Jesus, towards the end of His time here on earth, tells His disciples that “whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater than these” (John 14:12). Matthew 28:17 has Jesus saying, “All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me. Therefore go…” He gives us the authority to do what He has been doing.

For today:

Matthew 16:18-19 says, “… I will build My church and the gates of Hades shall not overpower it. I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven and whatever you bind on earth shall be what is bound in Heaven and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven.”

Friends – we have permission from God. We have been given authority to go after that on earth that is not from God. Basically anything on earth that isn’t like that in heaven needs transformation and we have the authority to go after it and change it.

Jesus prayed, “Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.”

For us to see the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth, it will require us to go after it wholeheartedly. This is not for the faint hearted. Matthew 11:11 says, “And from the days of John the Baptist until the present time, the Kingdom of Heaven has endured violent assault, and violent men seize it by force.” I am not advocating violence. Here it is talking about violence as chasing after it with zeal and intense exertion. To press into it with fervour resembling violence and desperation. It expresses the earnestness that we need to have to be rid of all sin and unbelief in our life and to rid this earth of all power belonging to Satan.

Do you want to see God’s Kingdom established here on earth, here in your life? Do you want to see healing restored back to its rightful place as part of the normal Christian life?

Are you chasing after bringing Heaven (& all that is in Heaven eg health, freedom, love, peace, joy, extravagance etc) to earth?

How could you change your life or your belief system so what Christ commanded us to do and be, actually occurs within your lifestyle?

When Jesus Christ was on earth, He gave His disciples authority over demons, nature/weather, death, sickness, sin, poverty and everything that wasn’t in Heaven. We are given the same authority but it seems to be unusual to see us exhibiting that same authority that the disciples had and used.

For us to operate from a position of authority requires us to have some experience in that area. Heidi Baker prays with authority for anyone who is blind as she knows that they will obtain their sight. When Heidi Baker first began praying for blind people, she did not see any difference though for the first 100 blind people she prayed for.

But she persevered.

She then saw breakthrough and she now operates in amazing authority whenever eye problems are an issue.

What prevents us as Christians from operating in that realm and with that same authority?

I believe when we spend time with God and are intimate with God and truly know the Father’s heart for us, then we can’t help but know that He wants people healed and has given us that responsibility and authority.

Out of our identity and our intimacy with Father God comes our authority.

When we have a faulty belief system, it definitely shows up here. How we view and believe what God can and will do, certainly impacts the authority we operate in. When we believe that God is always good and wants to heal and can heal anything, it changes the way we pray for people and what we pray.

Next week I will look at some of the beliefs we have around healing.


Prophetic Activations / Exercises to incorporate into your week:

Every week I list 5 prophetic activations/exercises under children/family, group, beginner, intermediate and advanced. The purpose of these exercises is to practice to help us hear God’s voice in a clearer manner. They sharpen our senses to hear and see and sense God and His way of communicating with us. This enables us to grow in our relationship with God and also to impart to others what God tells us for them. Feel free to use as many of these activations each week as you can. The more you practice, the sharper you become at hearing God’s voice. Enjoy! Remember that whenever you give another person a prophetic word or picture etc, please make sure that it is encouraging, edifying (strengthening) and comforting (1 Corinthians 14:3) and that it comes from a place of love.

1. Children / Families Activation: Have paper and pens/pencils handy. Each person choose a neighbour. Ask God to show you what to write or draw (if a drawing, perhaps an adult can write what the drawing is about at the top) that will bless them and encourage them on a sheet of paper for that neighbour. Then post it in their letterbox or hand deliver it to them.

2. Group Activation: Have a device to play music on for a game of “Bob’s and Statues”. Explain the activation and then start playing the music. People are to walk or dance around the room. When you stop the music, have everyone either bob down or stand still as a statue. Have the caller with their back to the people so they can’t see what people are doing and they call out either “bob” or “statue” after the music stops and people have moved into their desired action. Those people that did the action that was called out are ‘safe’ and continue to the next round. Those people who did the opposite action to what was called out have to pair up and give each other a prophetic word based on a famous statue.

3. Beginner Activation: Ask God to tell you what He thinks of you at the moment. Listen and wait for His reply.

4. Intermediate Activation: Ask God to show you a teenager who is sitting exams at the moment. Deliver a prophetic word to them about their future that will encourage and comfort them during this time.

5. Advanced Activation: Ask God to show you someone with special needs. Spend time with God asking Him for a prophetic word for this person. Ask God how to deliver this prophecy to them and when.

How to Keep Your Healing

I love praying for people for healing and seeing them healed. I have seen some major sickness healed eg cancer, person requiring a heart-lung transplant receive some major healing and was no longer sick enough for the transplant list, broken bones healed, eyesight restored etc. I have also seen numerous ‘minor’ illnesses healed. I have also prayed for people at times when their healing was not instantaneous or seemingly they were not healed at all.

Through my journey over the last ten years on praying for people to be healed, I have noticed some common elements when people are healed but later find that their symptoms return, almost like they have ‘lost their healing’. This can be very disheartening for everyone concerned. Thus, I have composed a pamphlet to give to people when they receive prayer for healing. Feel free to download it and print it off and give it out to people you pray for.  https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn%3Aaaid%3Ascds%3AUS%3A9770016c-ea67-43b7-aeb6-5043cb648b8e

Alternatively, you can email me at: [email protected] and I will send you a copy of the pamphlet.

Below I have also listed the details from the pamphlet.


What do we know about healing:

God desires that we are physically healed. He also desires that once we are healed, we keep our healing.

Jesus took all our sicknesses and diseases (Mark 8:17. Isaiah 53:4-5). We don’t need to bare them too. Our role is to thank God that He carried them for us.

  • God is a good God no matter what. We don’t have all the answers but God remains good. Learning to live with the mystery is part of the journey.
  • God desires that we are all healed.
  • You do not have to be a Christian to be supernaturally healed.
  • God uses medicine to heal people as well as using supernatural miracles.
  • We have found that forgiveness can help aid the process of healing but it is not 100% dependent on it.
  • There is no formula or one true method for healing with God.
  • Don’t blame God for your sickness. God is not the author of your sickness. Sickness does not come from heaven. Sickness is not a blessing.
  • Sickness and pain is not your identity. Your identity is in Christ and you are His Royal son/daughter.
  • Believe you are healed.
  • God is always ready to have an encounter with you now and heal you.


Bible verses on healing:
Use the Bible verses below to mediate on and build your faith. Declare them out aloud whilst you wait for your complete healing and thank God that He is healing you.

  • Exodus 15:26 “For I am the Lord who heals you.”
  • Psalm 103:2-3 “Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits – who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases.”
  • Jeremiah 30:17 “But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds.” declares the Lord.”
  • Isaiah 53:5 “…and by His wounds, we are healed.”
  • Matthew 8:17 “Jesus took our sicknesses and bore our diseases”.
  • Matthew 14:35-36 “…People brought all their sick to Jesus and begged Him to let the sick just touch the edge of his cloak, and all who touched it were healed.”
  • Mark 9:23 “Everything is possible for him who believes.”
  • Mark 16:18 “They will place their hands on sick people and they will get well.”
  • John 10:10 “The thief (Satan) comes only to steal, kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly.”
  • John 14:13 “And I will do whatever you ask in My name so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.”
  • James 5: 14-15 “Is any one of you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well.”


What should I do if I was healed but my symptoms return?

It is one thing to receive healing from God. It is another thing to maintain that healing. Having symptoms return after healing is not uncommon and it can be really confusing, discouraging and scary. But it doesn’t mean that you didn’t get healed or you did something wrong.  Stay calm and don’t be intimidated.

  • Worship God and focus on God. Do not focus on your symptoms.
  • Build your faith. Chase after God’s heart yourself. Start reading the Bible verses on healing. Declare out aloud that you have been healed.
  • Usually when the symptoms return, your first thought is “I thought God healed me. I guess He didn’t after all”. When you say or think that, you are opening a door for the devil to come in and bring the symptoms back to you. Thus, you need to change your thinking. Instead, start saying out aloud, “I am healed. I am completely healed through Jesus Christ.”
  • Don’t agree with the symptoms. Tell the symptoms to leave. You have been healed and you need to live as though you are. Do not accept the symptoms back. Tell them to leave in the name of Jesus. “I resist sickness in Jesus’ name. Symptoms and sickness you must leave. In the name of Jesus Christ, I exercise authority over my body. Sickness and disease, I refuse to allow you to stay. My body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. Satan, you have no right to trespass on God’s property. Now get out. Leave my body.“
  • Be aware of what you say in everyday life. The words you speak are powerful. If you say, “My back is killing me”, don’t be surprised if your back ‘kills you’. If you say, “I’m not healed yet”, you won’t receive your healing. Start saying the positive “God has healed me and is continuing to heal me”.
  • Look for keys, promises and prophetic words that were spoken over you during the prayer time. Declare these out aloud. Meditate on them.
  • Please feel free to receive more prayer.


Should I stop taking my medicine?

NO – definitely do not stop taking your medicine until you have seen your Doctor and he/she advises you to stop taking it. This is really important. We are not medical doctors.

Taking your medicine will not “unheal you” if God has healed you, so let the doctor be the one to take you off your medication. This is not doubt or unbelief and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. It’s just wise and sensible. If God has healed you, the doctor will be able to confirm it.


An attitude of expectation and thankfulness:

A key to healing is expectation and thankfulness. Jesus can’t help but show up when we talk about Him. When we focus on Jesus and what He is doing with thankfulness, we always see increase. The important thing is to focus on what God is doing, not on what He is not doing. Focus on what God is doing – pain decreased, you felt peace or a warmth or you can move more freely.

Expect healing and start thanking God for it. Keep checking yourself out in regard to being able to do something physically you couldn’t do before. Thank God for what He is doing. Eg “Thank you Jesus for healing my knee. Thank you that the pain has decreased. Thank you that I can walk more freely. Thank you for always finishing what you start. I give you permission to continue working on my knee.”

If you only received a partial healing or you weren’t healed instantly, walk away with the expectation and faith that Jesus is doing something in you.

Always feel free to ask for more prayer.


Prophetic Activations / Exercises to incorporate into your week:

Every week I list 5 prophetic activations/exercises under children/family, group, beginner, intermediate and advanced. The purpose of these exercises is to practice to help us hear God’s voice in a clearer manner. They sharpen our senses to hear and see and sense God and His way of communicating with us. This enables us to grow in our relationship with God and also to impart to others what God tells us for them. Feel free to use as many of these activations each week as you can. The more you practice, the sharper you become at hearing God’s voice. Enjoy! Remember that whenever you give another person a prophetic word or picture etc, please make sure that it is encouraging, edifying (strengthening) and comforting (1 Corinthians 14:3) and that it comes from a place of love.

1. Children / Families Activation: Ask God to show you someone you know who needs healing. Ask God to show you how to go about this and what to do. Then do it and watch what happens.

2. Group Activation: Select an issue that affects your community eg abortion or mental illness. Wait on God as a group and ask Him to show you how to best pray for and prophesy into this issue for your community. Have a time of sharing what you are feeling, thinking, hearing. Then, as a group, begin to pray and prophesy, practicing flowing as one and praying/ prophesying/ blessing along a similar thread.

3. Beginner Activation: Ask God to show you something you need healing for. Then spend time with God asking Him His perspective on this and how to go about praying for your own healing in this area.

4. Intermediate Activation: Ask God to bring to your mind someone who has recently had someone close to them die. Ask God to show you how to best pray for them and prophesy into their situation.

5. Advanced Activation: Ask God to show you which hospital to focus on. Then ask God to show you how to bless this hospital, the staff and the patients in it and to prophesy over their future.

How dare you pray that!!

Whilst sitting in my car waiting for my son to finish swimming squad, I glanced over and saw a young mum rushing with her two girls into the swimming centre. My gaze concentrated on the fact that this mum had scoliosis and a hip issue and was bent really forward at the waist to the point it looked really awkward to walk, along with a limp. My first thought was “I wonder if she would let me pray for her as she could be healed.”

My second thought was “Jane, don’t be so presumptuous. You have no idea of her situation and even if she wants healing. You need to spend time with her first.”

My mind then immediately went back to two events that stood out for me in regard to praying for others.

Firstly, I was helping at a weekly meal for people who were struggling. I had formed some good friendships with the folk, many who had mental illness or psychiatric issues. I had been able to speak into their lives and also pray for a number of them and had seen a number of them pray for each other. One guy in particular had become very open about his life with me as we realised I knew a number of people from his childhood. On the evening he had been released from hospital after a psychiatric episode resulting in an admission to Intensive Care, I had turned up at the boarding house with a friend and a load of food for him as he was too frail to come to the weekly meal. As I chatted with this guy this evening, he shared with me that God had healed him of at least 5 major physical health issues. I commented that the only thing left for God to heal was his psychiatric illness. This guy went quiet for awhile before speaking. He then shared that he didn’t really want God to heal that as it would mean too many changes for him and he would also lose the disability pension.

I was shocked.

I had never even considered that.

I presumed that this guy, and everyone else, desired to be totally healed and live an amazing life, in my viewpoint.

If my friend was healed of his psychiatric illness, the change to how he lived would be enormous. He would lose his disability pension. He would lose his room at the boarding house. He would need to find a job and earn money. How he viewed himself would change. His identity would change.

Sometimes, this can be too much for someone and they do not want the ‘healing’ that we would love to see them walk in.

The second event that stood out to me was when I was in a conference and the guest speaker identified a person with a very obvious physical disability. The speaker spoke to this person and shared how God wanted to heal this person completely but the choice was this person’s, as the healing would change their whole life and they would lose certain things from their life, and gain other things. This person chose not to be healed of this physical condition.

I was flabbergasted at several things, including how this was addressed in public but also that this person chose not to be healed.

Please don’t become presumptuous in how you view others and the opportunity for healing. We can fall into judging others lifestyle by what we see physically and comparing that to our physical lifestyle.

A key in praying for other people is to always ask what they would like prayer for. What they would like Jesus to do for them. What may seem obvious to you may not be their top priority for an answer to prayer.

A second key in praying for other people is to treat people with kindness and compassion, not an opportunity to ‘fix’ them with Jesus. Everyone is a person. Everyone is someone who deserves respect and kindness and to be treated with compassion.

I’m currently writing a 30 day devotional based on how Jesus ministered to folk according to the Gospel of Mark. As I read Mark’s Gospel, the one thing that stands out over and over again is how Jesus treated everyone with compassion. They were not an object. They were not a physical deformity. Each person was worth stopping for. Each person was significant and deserved to be treated with respect.

What are your thoughts on this issue? Please feel free to comment below.


Prophetic Activations / Exercises to incorporate into your week:

Every week I list 5 prophetic activations/exercises under children/family, group, beginner, intermediate and advanced. The purpose of these exercises is to practice to help us hear God’s voice in a clearer manner. They sharpen our senses to hear and see and sense God and His way of communicating with us. This enables us to grow in our relationship with God and also to impart to others what God tells us for them. Feel free to use as many of these activations each week as you can. The more you practice, the sharper you become at hearing God’s voice. Enjoy! Remember that whenever you give another person a prophetic word or picture etc, please make sure that it is encouraging, edifying (strengthening) and comforting (1 Corinthians 14:3) and that it comes from a place of love.

1. Children / Families Activation: Brainstorm with your family someone whom they know is sick or requires healing. Ask God to show you how to go about praying for them and what God would love you to do. Draw a picture for the person and give it to them.

2. Group Activation: Get into pairs and ask God to reveal to each other’s partner what part of their health God would like to address for their partner. Then check with your partner which area of their health they would like prayer and prophesy for and see if it is the same health issue. Ask God to show you what to pray and prophesy over this area that your partner wishes to receive prayer for. Check for any healing or response.

3. Beginner Activation: Ask God to highlight to you an injured or sick person today. When you notice this person, ask this person if you could pray for them and ask them what they would like prayer for. Then pray for them and prophesy over their illness or injury.

4. Intermediate Activation: Ask God to highlight to you someone in the news who has an illness. Spend time with God asking Him to show you more about this person and their illness and what He would want you to do about it. If there is something God highlights to you that He wants you to do something about, press in further and ask God to show you how, when and what and to open the door for this to occur. Prophesy over the person and their health.

5. Advanced Activation: Ask God to highlight to you a health issue that affects many people in your nation. Spend time hearing God’s heart on this issue and prophesy God’s heart in regard to the healing of this health issue.

Growing out Legs to Equal Lengths

As I was preparing for our church’s Healing Rooms Board Meeting for 2018, I was musing with God about how we all want to see cancer totally healed. In fact, we want to see everything healed. God then asked me what He was bringing before us. What was in our hand? God is calling us to be faithful in what He is bringing before us. Are we seeing 100% healing in the conditions and diseases God gives us? For a certain few conditions, Stairway Healing Rooms has about 80-90% healing rate. This is what we currently, as Stairway Healing Rooms, have authority over. When we realise this, it increases our faith, and the person’s faith, as well.

One of those conditions is lower back pain. Let me say here, that not all lower back pain will disappear and be healed this easily but we have found a high degree of success when God grows out people’s legs to be equal length, the lower back pain seems to greatly decrease.

I’m going to briefly outline the steps we take when someone comes to us with lower back pain. Please also realise that there is no ‘formula’ with healing. God is free to work however He likes and will do so. Below is a general guideline we follow.

1. The 1st 3 questions we ask a client when they tell you they have back pain are:

  • Where’s the pain?
  • Rate the current pain out of 10 (this is so that you can determine later if the pain has decreased. 10 is the highest amount of pain, 0 is painfree)
  • Did anything cause/bring the pain on?

2. If anything brought on / caused the pain to begin with, deal with that first.

  • Remember to pray off shock and trauma

3. Most lower back pain can be dealt with by growing out the legs so that they are the same length.

  • Share very short testimony of seeing leg’s grown out and how that helps take away the back pain. Sharing a testimony raises people’s faith level.
  • Get them to sit on a hard chair with their bottom right up against the back.
  • Ask them to put their legs out in front of them. You will need to support their legs – your wrists or hands gently under their ankles supporting underneath or else grab an ankle in each hand around their ankle bone.
  • Look at the length.
    • Look at their ankle bones – are they the same length?
    • Look at the bottom of their heels – are they at the same length? (Don’t look at their pointed toes to see if they are the same length as people usually have one foot longer than the other.)
  • Ask Holy Spirit to come and command the shorter leg to grow out.
  • Sometimes you may find the shorter leg shoots out and grows so that it is now longer than the other leg. Command one leg to be the same size as the other. Feel free to ask the person to choose which length.

4. When the legs are equal length, ask the person to stand and reassess the pain.

  • Ask them to rate the pain out of 10 and see if there is a reduction. If it has reduced – praise God. If it is the same, continue praying for the pain to go. Command the pain to Go in Jesus’ name.
  • Deal with any residual pain by praying/declaring over that.
  • Bless their back.
  • At the end of praying for their back, pray a physical and spiritual alignment over them.

Prophetic Activations / Exercises to incorporate into your week:

The purpose of these exercises is to help us hear God’s voice in a clearer manner. They sharpen our senses to hear and recognise God’s voice and His way of communicating with us. This enables us to grow in our relationship with God and also to impart to others what God tells us for them. Feel free to use as many of these activations each week as you can. The more you practice, the sharper you become at hearing God’s voice. Enjoy! Remember that whenever you give another person a prophetic word or picture etc, please make sure that it is encouraging, edifying (strengthening) and comforting (1 Corinthians 14:3) and that it comes from a place of love.

1. Children / Families Activation: As a family, check each other’s leg lengths to see if they are equal lengths. Practice ‘growing out’ each other’s legs. As each family member sits in the chair to have their leg length checked, everyone else asks God to show or tell them how God sees that person in the chair and everyone then shares it with the person in the chair.

2. Group Activation: As a group, ask if anyone in the group has lower back pain. Ask them to come to the front of the room. Before you pray over the person for healing, ask everyone to ask God how He sees that person dressed (ie how that person is seen from a heavenly perspective and what clothes they would thus be wearing). Then ask a few people to share it with that person. Follow that up with praying for the person’s healing.

3. Beginner Activation: Ask God to show you someone who needs encouragement about their height and ask God how He would like you to encourage them and prophecy into their situation.

4. Intermediate Activation: The news that Billy Graham died has been broadcast today. Thus, spend some time asking God to show you how to pray and prophecy over the Graham family in their mourning/celebration. Then spend some time declaring that out aloud.

5. Advanced Activation: The news that Billy Graham died has been broadcast today. He has had a huge impact on many people throughout the world. Spend some time with God asking Him to show you someone who will have a huge future in impacting the world for Jesus. Ask God to ‘flesh this out’ and how God wants you to communicate it to this person and encourage them.

Believing that anything is possible

Believing that anything is possibleHubby and I were in bed last night chatting after a full day of church, hanging out with friends and ministry. Hubby commented on how it was exciting to be in a church where one of the cultural values (whether anyone realises it or not is another question as it is an unwritten and unspoken value) is that of believing that anything is possible with God. Not just believing it, but actively pursuing it.

Core Value:

As we reflected on this more, I realised that whenever we want to see the supernatural become our natural lifestyle, this has to be a core value. That God can and will do anything and that anything is possible with God.

Miracle – an illiterate person able to read the Bible

Yesterday morning in church, we heard an amazing testimony from one of our church members who was ministering in Cambodia. An old village woman had become a Christian and 3 days later wanted to be able to read the Bible but had never had the opportunity to go to school. She heard a testimony from some other people who had supernaturally been given the ability to read the Bible. This lady was prayed for by those people and within 20 minutes or so the lady could read the Bible.


Last night were having a meal with friends and reflecting on the testimonies we hear in church. Most of these testimonies come from the Healing Rooms we are part of. I was voicing that I am a bit tired of hearing about the back pain and the neck aches being healed. Sure, it is a big thing for those people but what about the exciting stuff we see of cancer being healed, eye sight restored, the time I prayed for the lady in hospital who no longer needed a heart lung transplant etc. I then shared how our family had experienced some amazing healings – anaphylaxis, teeth miracles – no longer needing fillings or a root canal etc.

Creative Miracle:

My friend then expressed how she has been waiting for 9 years for a huge creative miracle. Straight away I knew we had to pray for her in this area. So we did. In the natural, it seems completely impossible but with God anything is possible. We joined our faith with hers and her husband’s faith. There were a couple of prophetic acts I asked her to do as I felt they were an important step. A huge step of healing had already been overcome by our friend sharing this unusual and personal issue with us.

Prophetic Act:

In asking my friend to do a certain prophetic act, I was reminded of at least 7 years ago when I was at a ladies’ camp and I really felt to pray for a lady with a thyroid issue who had bulging eyes. This lady at the same time approached me and asked me to pray for her. As I waited briefly to hear from God, I sensed that I was to spit on my hands and place them over her eyes. I was relatively new to praying for physical healing for people and was aghast. “What would the lady think?” As I shared this with the lady, she became very excited. She shared how she had asked God to heal her and that she had told God that she would know if it was going to happen or not if the person praying for healing spat on their hands and placed their hands over her eyes. I learnt a huge lesson that night to be obedient to what God wants you to do.

Where are you currently at in believing for the impossible? Believing with such a certainty, not just that it would be great but a total belief that God can and will do anything.

Align your mind:

If you need help in this area, I encourage you to take a Bible verse from the list below. If you believe the Bible is the Word of God, then meditating on the Bible and verses from it, will help your mind align to what God wants to do.

Bible verses:

  • Job 42:1- 2 Then Job replied to the Lord, ‘I know that you can do all things, no plan of yours can be thwarted.’
  • Jeremiah 32:17 ‘Ah Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and your outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.’
  • Matthew 17:20 Jesus replied, ‘Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.’
  • Matthew 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible but with God all things are possible.’
  • Mark 10:27 Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.’
  • Mark 11:24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
  • Luke 1:37 For nothing is impossible with God.

Turn these verses into a declaration that you can declare regularly eg “Thank you God that nothing is impossible for you. Thank you God that you say in your Word that whatever I ask for in prayer and believe that I have received, it will be mine. So Father God, I now thank you for giving me (answer to my prayer) and believe that You will give it to me because nothing is impossible for you Father God. Thank you God.”

God is at work:

When we left our friend’s home, nothing had appeared to have occurred in the way of a creative miracle for this lady but something had shifted in the spiritual. I totally believe that God can do this seemingly impossible creative miracle of growing body parts that are no longer there. I also knew that God was at work since we also prayed for my back pain from a pulled muscle that was causing me some incapacity. The pain completely disappeared and I could move freely.

I know that God will come through for this beautiful friend and her miraculous testimony will be huge in her future ministry that she will have in changing teenagers lives and perceptions.

God is in the business of the impossible.

Prophetic Activations / Exercises to incorporate into your week:

The purpose of these exercises is to help us hear God’s voice in a clearer manner. They sharpen our senses to hear and recognise God’s voice and His way of communicating with us. This enables us to grow in our relationship with God and also to impart to others what God tells us for them. Feel free to use as many of these activations each week as you can. The more you practice, the sharper you become at hearing God’s voice. Enjoy!

Remember that whenever you give another person a prophetic word or picture etc, please make sure that it is encouraging, edifying (strengthening) and comforting (1 Corinthians 14:3) and that it comes from a place of love.

1. Children / Families Activation: Put together a collection of different food tastes or even a chocolate fondue with different fruit, marshmallows, biscuits, and food textures. Set the scene by sharing how in the Bible in Psalm 34:8, it says to ‘Taste and see that the Lord is good’. Encourage family members to select a food and taste it and encourage them to savour the flavour and texture. Ask them to think of how that flavour might reflect God’s goodness or a characteristic of God. Share. Then get everyone to select a different fruit or food and to taste that and whilst doing that to ask God to highlight what it is about that flavour and how it describes or relates to the person sitting on their left. Share again.

2. Group Activation: Grab enough blank paper so that everyone in the room can have one sheet each. Before you hand them out, write down a name from someone in the group on the back of the sheet of paper ie each sheet of paper has a different name on the back with everyone in the room having their name on a sheet of paper. Encourage people not to look at the back of the paper so that they don’t know who they are writing a prophetic word for. Get everyone to quieten their hearts before God and ask God to show, tell or give them a sense of what to write or draw. Allow people ten minutes to hear from God and write the prophetic word. Then, if time, get people to read out what they had written and say who it is for.

3. Beginner Activation: Quieten yourself before God and imagine standing under a huge waterfall. Ask the Holy Spirit to rain down on you. Whilst standing under that imaginary waterfall, ask God to help you tangibly see or hear or feel something from Him. Ask Him to give you a fresh hope for an impossible situation in your life. Ask God to give you a Bible verse or reassurance that He has heard you.

4. Intermediate Activation: Ask God to highlight to you something that is impossible to see becoming true but something you so desperately want. If there is nothing you desperately want, think of someone close to you who needs a miracle. Write a declaration out and ask God to give you a prophetic word for that situation. Incorporate the prophetic word into that declaration. Begin declaring and decreeing it.

5. Advanced Activation: Grab a pen and 3 pieces of paper. Ask God to highlight 3 people you know and write each name on the back of a different sheet of paper. Turn the paper over so that you cannot see which name is on which paper. Select one piece of paper and ask God to show or tell you a prophetic word for that person whose name is on the back of the paper (with you not knowing who it is for). Write down what you sense, feel, hear or see. Repeat the process with the other two sheets of paper. Then turn the papers over and read what you wrote for each person. Give the prophetic words to the appropriate people.

Physical Words of Knowledge part 2

Woman suffering from toothache tooth pain.Several weeks ago on a Sunday morning, I woke up with a horrific headache. I was a tiny bit alarmed as I lay in bed wondering what to do. It was cold and I didn’t relish the idea of getting out of bed but as I determined that this was not a normal headache, I realised I needed to get up and take some analgesia. The pain was not in a circle pressing in nature which is what I sometimes get if it is due to a demonic presence / witchcraft issue. It was not at the front like my normal headache symptoms or at the back like a neck issue. This was a boring type of pain right in the middle of my head, slightly to the right. The pain was strong and I knew I needed to deal with it. I prayed for God to take it away with no apparent effect. Thus I reluctantly hopped out of bed, went to the kitchen and swallowed the appropriate tablets.

The pain continued without relief which shocked me somewhat. I am used to neurofen taking away any headache and it was certainly not working this time. I ended up taking more tablets than is recommended as the pain was severe and didn’t ease at all with the medication. I needed to go to church that morning as hubby had only had his neck operation the previous week and was still unable to drive and our daughter was on duty in the children’s ministry. We live a 45 minute drive from church with no people nearby whom could take our daughter.

As I was standing in worship at the beginning of the service, I suddenly wondered if perhaps this headache wasn’t really ‘mine’ but a word of knowledge. Earlier this year I had prayed to God and asked if He would give me physical words of knowledge. Whilst on a mission trip to Cambodia earlier in the year, I received some physical words of knowledge but I hadn’t operated in this since then.

As soon as I realised that perhaps this may be a word of knowledge, I stopped and asked God what should I do next. Immediately two people came to mind. A close friend’s father had just been diagnosed with a tumour in his head that was positioned almost exactly where I was feeling the pain. There was also a member of the church who had been admitted to hospital with serious neurological issues and the doctors had been unable to determine the cause. Thus, since God had brought those people to my mind, I prayed for both of them there, just quietly during worship. As soon as I had prayed for them, my headache instantly disappeared. Wow – it was amazing. I must confess that I instantly wished that I had thought of that earlier and had not had to suffer the pain for over 5 hours!!

After further reading and reflection, I have come to realise that words of knowledge felt physically are quite common. We need to be able to discern, though, what ‘belongs’ to us and what doesn’t. For instance, if you normally suffer from an ear ache and you feel an ear ache whilst you are asking God to reveal words of knowledge to you, then that may well be your own ear ache and not a word of knowledge about someone else. The headache I suffered had a very unusual pain for me ie I had never experienced that sort of headache pain before.

The physical symptom will disappear immediately you ‘release’ that word of knowledge. Even if you don’t see a person healed, or no-one responds to the word of knowledge, once you have released it and done your part, then the physical symptom will usually immediately disappear from your body.

Please be aware that feeling a word of knowledge doesn’t automatically assume complete healing for the other person. It may well occur and it usually does but it may simply be that God is growing you or wanting to communicate His love to the other person through that method.

Some practical ideas to help you grow in the use of physical words of knowledge:

  • Step out in faith and try it by asking God.
  • Practice tuning in with God, asking Him to show you and catch the first thought through your mind. It may be a fleeting thought through your mind as a word or feeling and it may be easy for you to doubt due to the ‘vagueness’ of it.
  • The physical feeling may be a pain or discomfit that doesn’t go away and isn’t something that you normally experience.
  • Be as specific as you can be as the more specific you are the more it builds faith in you and in the other person.
  • Don’t add to the word of knowledge. Don’t presume that if you see a certain image then you say what you normally believe about it. Just state the facts.
  • Don’t use the words “God told me…” etc. Instead say something like “I sense that someone has a right knee pain that is on the outside of the knee…” Ask God if an injury or accident caused the physical issue, and share that if appropriate as the more specific the more it is harder to doubt.
  • Have the right character and the right attitude. If you are humble and compassionate, instead of arrogant, then even if no-one responds to the word of knowledge, it hasn’t offended anyone but God’s grace has reigned.
  • Just because no-one responds, it doesn’t mean that you have heard wrong. I can count oodles of times in the Healing Rooms situation when one of my team member’s has asked a question and the person receiving prayer has said that it doesn’t apply to them, yet I am cheering silently that my team member is spot on but the other person either doesn’t want to admit it or doesn’t realise it is true. People need a ‘way out’ gracefully so be gentle and careful with how you say words of knowledge.
  • Be accountable to someone to help you work through what is of God and what is of you.
  • God wants to give you words of knowledge because He wants you to use them. Don’t let fear rob you and also rob the receiver who might have been healed by what you could have shared.

Prophetic Activations / Exercises to incorporate into your week:

The purpose of these exercises is to help us hear God’s voice in a clearer manner. They sharpen our senses to hear and recognise God’s voice and His way of communicating with us. This enables us to grow in our relationship with God and also to impart to others what God tells us for them. Feel free to use as many of these activations each week as you can. The more you practice, the sharper you become at hearing God’s voice. Enjoy!

Remember that whenever you give another person a prophetic word or picture etc, please make sure that it is encouraging, edifying (strengthening) and comforting (1 Corinthians 14:3) and that it comes from a place of love.

1. Children / Families Activation: Have sheets of paper prepared with an outline of a human body on it. Hand a sheet out to everyone present together with a pencil/pen/crayon etc. Ask God to show everyone any body part which God wants to heal today. Ask everyone to draw on that part of the body that they feel God is showing them. Usually children are very quick at immediately getting words of knowledge. Once that is finished, then look for people whom that fits and ask that particular child to pray for that symptom.

2. Group Activation: Spend some time in worship as a group and ask God to reveal to everyone present a physical word of knowledge about a medical condition/issue relevant to someone else in the group. Take it in turns to share what you felt and ask if it relates to anyone present. If so, pray for the person it applies to.

3. Beginner Activation: Ask God to give you a physical word of knowledge about someone you know and to show you who it is for. Contact that person, ask them in a caring manner if it applies to them, and if so, if you can pray for them.

4. Intermediate Activation: Ask God to give you a physical word of knowledge for someone you will meet today in a shop. Be on the lookout for this person and courageously ask if it applies to them and if so, offer to pray for them.

5. Advanced Activation: Spend time with God asking Him to show you a prevalent current medical condition in your culture eg here in Australia, chronic fatigue syndrome plus also food intolerances and allergies are prolific. Ask God to reveal to you the root cause or background to this. Spend some time seeking God’s heart as to what He would have you do as a result of what He has revealed to you.

Words of Knowledge part 1

litlle cute blond  boy tired sad isolatedThe definition from Wikipedia is often defined as “the ability of one person to know what God is currently doing or intends to do in the life of another person. It can also be defined as knowing the secrets of another person’s heart.” In other words, it is a  supernatural revelation of information from the Holy Spirit.

The Bible talks about this in 1 Cor. 2:12-13 where Paul writes, “Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God. These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches”. Also in 1 Corinthians 12:8 “For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom, to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit”.

There are numerous occasions in the Bible when people received a supernatural revelation of information about another person or their situation. A couple of examples include: John 1:47 where Jesus saw Nathaniel approaching him and received a word of knowledge. Acts 5:1-11 with Ananias and Sapphira. 1 Samuel 9-10 with Samuel and the donkeys. I Kings 14:2-3 Ahijah’s prophecy against Jeroboam. 2 Kings 5:20-27 Gehazi’s deceit with Naaman.

An example of this is several years ago, our family was driving to church for our Saturday morning’s Healing Rooms. We had been encouraged to ask God to reveal to us any conditions or names of people whom God wanted to heal. Usually when we do this, we come up with a whole list of at least 10-12 conditions. My son, who would have been about 7 years old at the time said diabetes, hospital and a certain boy’s name. We wrote it down and pondered that perhaps someone was on the way to hospital or had just been discharged from hospital etc. At the end of the morning, we reviewed the conditions and realised that we had not seen this person. It was easy to dismiss this as he ‘got it wrong’. However several days later we heard that a friend’s son (with the exact name that my son had said) had been admitted to hospital and diagnosed with diabetes on that day. Thus, we made a visit to this boy in hospital. He wasn’t healed from our prayer. I do believe though that it communicated that God was caring for him and tried to show His love to him by this.

Words of knowledge are often used for healing but it is not an absolute for healing. In other words, when words of knowledge about a physical condition are given, you can expect that God wants to heal the person but it is not always the case. Usually a word of knowledge builds faith in the person who needs the healing and also in the person who received the word of knowledge. It is usually very comforting to the person with the physical complaint and communicates that God is aware of them and their need. It doesn’t always translate that this person will be healed then, but most likely. If the person is not healed then, it is no one’s fault. Please never start questioning whose lack of faith it was etc. Sometimes God just wants to communicate His love to this person and that He knows this person’s situation.

Words of knowledge don’t always have to relate to healing. It may be about a certain situation, or to travel to a certain area, or about a specific situation that a church is facing and the breakthrough required etc. God cannot be limited and will use whatever means He likes to communicate so as to achieve His purpose.

When a Christian receives a word of knowledge about someone who is not a christian who needs a certain healing and then sees that person, shares what God has shown them and prays for them on the spot and that person experiences healing, it often results in that person responding to Jesus. It is hard to dispute a physical demonstration of the power of God in the name of Jesus. It is an amazing demonstration that Jesus is concerned about them.

The more specific the word of knowledge is, the more faith it tends to build in the people involved. If the word of knowledge is received through feeling something physical eg pain, it is helpful if the kind of pain and its exact location is stated. The person receiving the word should be careful not to change it, not to add to it, and not to dismiss any little detail about it that may seem insignificant.

God can communicate words of knowledge to us in several different ways. There is never one prescription with God. He is supreme and can use whatever method He chooses. Several of those ways are:

  • Physical eg pain in a part of your body that is not yours. A sudden left knee pain when you have never had left knee pain before just before you pray for someone etc.
  • Empathetic feeling – feeling a strong emotion eg fear, suicide, loneliness which you know is not from you or how you feel.
  • Mental picture or see an image – eg a body part, a car accident, a picture of someone getting hurt or in a particular situation. You may read a word written (invisibly to everyone else) over someone’s head or see a newspaper headline.
  • An impression or just ‘know’ that you know – a sense in your mind that someone has a particular condition or is feeling a particular way.
  • A dream or vision of someone with a health problem or you with a new health problem which you don’t have etc.
  • Automatically the words tumble out of your mouth as if by the Holy Spirit whilst chatting or praying with someone about something you were totally unaware of.

In next week’s blog (part 2), I will be sharing more specifically about physical words of knowledge and how to recognise these.

Prophetic Activations / Exercises to incorporate into your week:

The purpose of these exercises is to help us hear God’s voice in a clearer manner. They sharpen our senses to hear and recognise God’s voice and His way of communicating with us. This enables us to grow in our relationship with God and also to impart to others what God tells us for them. Feel free to use as many of these activations each week as you can. The more you practice, the sharper you become at hearing God’s voice. Enjoy!

Remember that whenever you give another person a prophetic word or picture etc, please make sure that it is encouraging, edifying (strengthening) and comforting (1 Corinthians 14:3)

1. Children / Families Activation: Hand out blank cards to everyone and explain that as a group you will ask God to give you encouraging words and things from Him to write or draw on the cards. Ask God to show everyone what sort of car the person is driving to whom this picture/words are for eg blue station wagon, silver Ford, red Toyota etc. You will then go to a car park and find the cars you were shown or told about and put these cards on the windscreens of those cars.

2. Group Activation: As a group quieten before God and spend a few moments asking God to reveal words of knowledge to everyone in the group and listening to what He is saying and showing. Take it in turns to share what you felt/saw/perceived etc and ask if it relates to anyone present.

3. Beginner Activation: Ask God to give you a word of knowledge for someone at church or a Bible study group next time you meet. It may be a physical pain, an encouraging comment, a word of wisdom etc in relation to something someone is going through of which you have no knowledge of their situation etc.

4. Intermediate Activation: Ask God to give you a word of knowledge about someone today and to show you who it is for. When you see that person, ask them in a caring manner if it applies to them, and if so, if you can pray for them.

5. Advanced Activation: As you are about to buy something today, ask God to give you a word of knowledge about the shop assistant. Then in a caring manner ask the shop assistant if it applies to them and then take the necessary steps required as a follow-on.

Ministry to Vietnam Veterans

Vietnam Vet: A Hero's WelcomeI am no longer nursing due to changing circumstances but in the last 4 years of my nursing I would ask God before each shift, “Who do you want me to pray for today?”. I had some amazing experiences of seeing a number of people receive creative healing miracles.

One morning I arrived at work in Coronary Care to find that I was assigned to an angry and very sick man who was a Vietnam Veteran. I was only meant to nurse him until he was transferred from our small private hospital to a major public hospital for emergency life saving surgery and repair of an operation which had resulted in some ongoing bleeding. This morning, my ears were pricked up as soon as I discovered my assignment. I had recently done further prayer ministry training and heard that when the Australian and American army were fighting in Vietnam during the Vietnam War, there was a group of Buddhist monks who repeatedly cursed these armed forces with three curses. They were:

  1. They would always be angry.
  2. They would never find peace / rest.
  3. They would always have a wandering spirit.

In Australia, Vietnam Veterans came home to a public that generally despised them and a government that never honoured them. Though they had risked their lives for this country, the country tended to shun them.

Thus, that morning I decided to try out a new theory I had. There was nothing to lose but a lot to gain if it worked.

As I was receiving handover on this patient as I was solely caring for him, the night shift nurse was very pleased to hand him over to someone else. He was apparently angry, and his wife was even worse. They were fed up with everything and everyone and were looking for someone to legally sue over his treatment. Not a good start to my day. The staff had specifically assigned him to me as I only worked once per fortnight on the ward so it would give the other staff a break from his attitude, plus I had a reputation for handling the difficult patients in an amazing manner.

Before I entered his room, I took authority over his room. He was in a single room and technically it was his room. I decided that since I was the nurse, and had been given the authority from the hospital that shift to care for him and treat him, I therefore had authority and permission for that room in the spiritual realm. I prayed a quick prayer of authority and released peace into the atmosphere. I claimed that since I was a child of the most High God, that I carried Kingdom presence and that that would change the atmosphere in the room.

I walked in to check the intravenous fluids and drugs with the night nurse. The patient and wife did not look happy but were pleased that a new nurse was coming in as they hadn’t liked the night nurse, or any nurse for that matter. We checked everything and I said goodbye to the nurse. I introduced myself to the patient and his wife and asked them what they expected for that morning. I realised that he would be transferred as soon as possible to the major hospital, so after checking his observations, I decided to give him a quick wash in bed as he was too sick to move out of bed, and to make him as comfortable as possible. At this point, his wife decided that she could trust me and left to go to the toilet and freshen up.

I took the opportunity to thank this Vietnam Veteran for what he did for our country, for me and my children and for our future. I must admit, I laid it on thick. I realised that Vietnam Vets had never been honoured for their service and came home to an atmosphere of being despised. Thus, I honoured him and his service. I also thanked and blessed him in the area of finding peace and rest, for being able to settle in one place and to be able to truly experience love. I didn’t stop talking, releasing healing under my breath and blessing this man and his wife.

Up until this point, the man had not uttered a word and had seemed unresponsive to everything I had said. I was beginning to doubt the effectiveness of what I was doing. Then the wife returned. She had left the room a very tense, angry woman. She entered the room, and stood for a few moments then sank down into a chair and began to cry. I became a little concerned. I went to her and quietly put my arm around her shoulder and asked her what was happening for her. I fully expected a tirade of abuse. Instead, she shocked me by saying that all her anger had just left her. She felt peace for the first time in years. She felt that everything was going to be alright. I was gobsmacked.

For the next few moments, I listened to her and then blessed her and thanked her. I told her what I had said to her husband. At that stage, I had to leave the room to prepare a drug for her husband. When I returned, I noticed a significant change in the atmosphere. Gone was the tension, the discomfit, the anger. I now could feel the peace and assurance. Checking the patient’s vital signs, I noticed a significant difference and ‘righting’ and reverse of a pattern of his status becoming worse with significant internal bleeding. His pain had stopped. Colour was beginning to return to his skin. I needed to keep checking his observations to check that I hadn’t made a mistake.

The Doctors soon entered the room to check him before he was transferred to the other hospital. They noticed a difference in him, the atmosphere in the room, and his condition. They could identify the exact time his condition and changed, but couldn’t attribute it to any medial measure.

This patient no longer needing transferring to that major hospital. He stabilised and was able to the treated at our smaller hospital.

I handed over to the afternoon nurse and was musing over the effect of blessing this man and his wife and changing the atmosphere of the room on my drive home. I had just arrived home from the drive of 15 minutes when I received a phone call from the afternoon nurse. She was a Christian and she wanted to know what I had done in the room that morning as every nurse on the afternoon shift had been talking about the difference in this man and his wife and they could only attribute it to me nursing him that morning. All the nurses wanted to know what I had done in the room, what my secret was. I ended up having a coffee with that nurse the following week and explaining it.

Prophetic Activations / Exercises to incorporate into your week:

The purpose of these exercises is to help us hear God’s voice in a clearer manner. They sharpen our senses to hear and recognise God’s voice and His way of communicating with us. This enables us to grow in our relationship with God and also to impart to others what God tells us for them. Feel free to use as many of these activations each week as you can. The more you practice, the sharper you become at hearing God’s voice. Enjoy!

Remember that whenever you give another person a prophetic word or picture etc, please make sure that it is encouraging, edifying (strengthening) and comforting (1 Corinthians 14:3)

1. Children / Families Activation: Mark out some squares on an area on the ground/floor with chalk or tape, similar to hopscotch. Throw a dice and jump/hop that number of squares towards the finishing square. Place a challenge in several of the squares eg “Ask God for an encouraging word for the next person”. “Ask God for a colour for the last person who had a turn.” “Ask God which vehicle the person who next throws a ‘one’ would be like and why.” Be creative. When people land in those squares, they then get to ask God for that thing for that specific person.

2. Group Activation: For this activation, you will need to have done some preparation before your meeting. Make up a ‘pass the parcel’ with a small item between each layer. Go to a shop or a craft cupboard and find a number of small cheap items eg balloon, chewing gum, craft pearls, bottle of food colouring, matches, USB cable, spice, chocolate bar, yo-yo, tape measure, air freshner, pen etc. Anything will do. Wrap the first item in a layer of paper, then put another item on the next layer and cover with a layer of paper. Keep going until you have a number of layers of paper. I generally do 4 parcels of 6 or 7 layers for a group of 20 people. Get the group to sit in a circle and pass the parcel(s) with music going. When the music stops, whoever is holding the parcel(s) opens that layer and views the item. They then have 30 seconds to ask God whom to give that item to within the group and what prophetic word to say about it. You will be amazed at what people hear from God and say. Then start the music again and pass the parcel until the music stops. When you do multiple parcels with the one group, it helps increase the number of prophetic words given whilst reducing the time taken. I also say that some people may get several items given to them and others may not receive anything. That is o’kay. You are hearing from God about who to give it to, not trying to please everyone and make it ‘fair’.

3. Beginner Activation: Ask God what sort of flower and what colour flower you should buy today and who to give it to. Ask God to then show or tell you something about His heart for that person. Then give it to that person.

4. Intermediate Activation: Spend time with God asking Him to give you a prophetic word for Donald Trump who is currently running for American President. Write it out without using any christianese or church language. Remember prophetic words are encouraging, strengthening and comforting. Google his email address & send it to him. Perhaps get another trusted and mature person to check it first. Currently I believe his email to be: [email protected]

5. Advanced Activation: Ask God to show you a public spokesperson on an issue of justice that seems unbiblical. Ask God to reveal something to you of that person’s upbringing and background that may have negatively influenced them in this area. Spend some time listening to God and praying for this person and asking God what He would like your response to be to that person, the issue of justice and how to show them God’s love and how to intercede for them.

Praying before an Anaesthetic

My husband Gary had surgery on his neck last Friday – removal of the C6 disc, an artificial disc inserted and the bony spur shaved off down to the bone marrow. In an operation that was meant to take about 50 minutes, it ended up being 2 ½ hours as the 1mm metal tip of a probe broke off during the surgery and they had to find it and remove it by suctioning it out. Apart from that complication, he had an extremely amazing recovery. He has not had any pain or discomfit at all, even over the wound site or the site where the bone was shaved quite dramatically. He was given some Panadol in hospital by the nurses, basically because they had to after surgery. He also had no complications after surgery. The following morning when the nurse took down his wound dressing, I was totally amazed at the lack of swelling, inflammation, bruising and bleeding over the suture line. The suture line looked beautiful and honestly looked further healed than less than 24 hours post surgery. He came home that day as there was no pain and that is the major indicator for discharge in this surgery. The night of the surgery, the surgeon came to visit Gary to tell him about the surgery and the complication with the metal probe. The surgeon was amazed at the total lack of pain and also that the discomfit and tingling in his arm and hand had already gone, something that can take up to a week to resolve.

In preparation for hubby’s surgery, I googled “Arthur Burk prayer surgery”. I found a YouTube clip titled “Your spirit and surgery” https://vimeo.com/315889893 (Approx 21 minutes) In this video, Arthur Burk describes some tools you can use to prepare your spirit for the operating room so that the procedure and the recovery are positively impacted by the dominion God designed for your spirit.

I believe that these prayers and the way we prayed were a major help in the lack of pain and inflammation after the surgery. I must confess that we were running out of time, so I had scribbled the prayer on a slip of paper and, as I drove to the hospital with hubby in the car, I prayed the prayer then. Not the best environment, but wow – the result was amazing!!

Your spirit is designed to have an extraordinary impact on your physical body at all times, including when you are having surgery. Arthur Burk encourages you to speak over someone the following things into their spirit, preferably daily over the 3 days prior to surgery.

  1. Principle – we have complete spiritual authority wherever we go. Thus, declare that the Kingdom of God is portable with your spirit if your spirit is in alignment with God. No matter wherever you go, whether conscious or unconscious, what is happening, the Kingdom of God laws apply wherever you go. Therefore, call to attention the head demonic spirit over that particular hospital and say, “I want to alert you that I, a child of the most High God, who is in blood covenant relationship with Jesus Christ is coming to that hospital and when I come, you get the afternoon off. Everywhere I go is Kingdom turf, no intrusion. Kingdom laws reign supreme and all the defilement in the people, the building, the land is suspended during the time I am there.”
  2. Principle – The spirit is not subject to anaesthesia. The soul is dependent on the body and is neutralised under anaesthesia but the spirit is completely immune from all impact of anaesthesia. It is completely conscious. It has complete dominion and authority. However most of the time your spirit doesn’t exercise that authority because no-one has given it permission or released it to do that. Therefore, call your spirit to attention and instruct it – “In the name of Jesus Christ, I call the spirit of … (or my spirit) to attention and instruct it that it has the right and the ability to monitor everything that occurs during surgery to my body. Spirit you have the right to talk to any person in the room. Spirit of… you have permission to shout loudly enough to get the attention of everyone in the room. I authorise you and legitimise you and empower you, spirit of… to take charge of the process, to take charge of everyone in the room and to take charge of everything in the room and to shout as loud as you need to shout to get people’s attention.
  3. Principle – Psalm 139:16 says that “Every day ordained for me was written in your book before it came to be”. The 2 biggest problems after surgery are pain and swelling from the blood vessels being cut and therefore they can’t carry away the waste products. Somewhere in your spirit is all the skill set needed to repair the capillaries and nerves after surgery. It is totally appropriate for the human spirit to ask the Holy Spirit for this. Therefore say, “I instruct my spirit that as soon as the surgery is over, the spirit needs to vigorously accelerate the repair of the capillaries at the point of incision and the spirit needs to micromanage the process of scavenging the body for amino acids and other resources needed to accelerate the healing process and see to it that the capillaries are rebuilt extremely quickly so that the waste products can be taken out by the organs that need to process them so that there is minimal swelling. At the same time, I instruct my spirit to work with the nerves to calm the nerves that have all been severed and to begin the process of regrowing the nerves.”

I have also listed some other things that I included in the prayer pre and post surgery. I am sure there are other things to also pray about, and would love you to comment below if you know of any other specific prayer that is effective. Thanks.


  1. Pray the above, calling your spirit to attention and legitimising and authorising your spirit to do the above.
  2. Pray for cleansing of all hospital rooms and beds you will be in, the operating room, recovery room etc and all the equipment and proper functioning and against any malfunctioning.
  3. Ask God to hand select the staff and to cleanse then and give them wisdom and direct their mind, hands, etc
  4. Pray for the Holy Spirit to protect the unconscious and subconscious mind from any negative input or attack by the enemy. Cover the mind with the blood of Jesus and seal off from any spirits of death or stress etc. Pray confusion into the enemy’s plans and that nothing would be hidden and no negligence or harm come upon you.
  5. Pray for perfect blood viscosity and that there will be no pooling in any body part.
  6. Specific prayer against common complications of that particular surgery

Post surgery:

  1. Re-emphasize the spirit repairing and rebuilding the capillaries and nerves.
  2. Anoint with oil and in the authority of Jesus Christ, break off any spirit of death, infirmity, sickness, weakness, disease, shock and trauma, etc and any unwelcome side effects from the anaesthesia and any harmful side effects of all drugs.
  3. Pray for infilling of the Holy Spirit, and spirit of peace, healing, strength, etc

Prophetic Activations / Exercises to incorporate into your week:

The purpose of these exercises is to help us hear God’s voice in a clearer manner. They sharpen our senses to hear and recognise God’s voice and His way of communicating with us. This enables us to grow in our relationship with God and also to impart to others what God tells us for them. Feel free to use as many of these activations each week as you can. The more you practice, the sharper you become at hearing God’s voice. Enjoy!

Remember that whenever you give another person a prophetic word or picture etc, please make sure that it is encouraging, edifying (strengthening) and comforting (1 Corinthians 14:3)

1. Children / Families Activation: Spend a few moments imagining the family at a swimming pool. Draw a picture and include where each family member would be in the picture and why God showed you that.

2. Group Activation: For this activation, you will need enough blindfolds for half the group members. Pair up and make 2 circles out of the pairs, one going in the inner circle, one in the outer circle but partners opposite each other. Blindfold everyone in the inner circle. Then have everyone in the outer circle move 4 people to the right. Those in the inner circle will prophesy over the person opposite them in the outer circle, except they will not know who it is they are prophesying over. Give everyone 2 minutes to hear from God and then prophesy for 1 minute. Let people feedback for 1 minute. Swap the blindfolds to the people in the outer circle. Have those in the inner circle move 5 people to the left. Repeat the process.

3. Beginner Activation: Ask God to show you someone who lives near to you, a neighbour. Spend some time listening to God for an encouraging word for them. Write it out anonymously without using any christianese (christian or church language). Put it in their letterbox anonymously, praying a blessing over them and their house.

4. Intermediate Activation: Ask God to highlight a person whom you see most days but don’t really notice or speak to or have a relationship with. Ask God to prepare you with an encouraging word for them before you next see them and then speak it to them when you do.

5. Advanced Activation: Ask God to show you someone having a rough time at the moment. Ask God how He would like you to encourage them and prophesy over them at the moment. Then follow-through on that.